Our People

Fr James was born and raised in rural Western Australia. He obtained a degree in education from the WA College of Advanced Education and taught music at both primary and secondary school levels. In 1984 he began to study theology at Perth Theological Hall and later at Murdoch University. He was ordained in 1987. He holds a PhD from the University of Tasmania. Fr James’ interests outside ministry include reading, bush walking and music.
Fr James is married to Dr Helen Collins and Helen and James were married in St George’s Cathedral, Perth over 35 years ago.
After ordination in 1987, James worked full-time in ministry, having parishes in Western Australia and, since 2001, in Tasmania. He has also had a university chaplaincy position. Prior to his induction as Rector of St Paul’s on 9 February 2011, Fr James was Rector of the Parish of Moonah in Hobart where he had responsibility for two churches, St Mary’s and St Anne’s. In addition, Fr James was an Enabler in the parishes of New Norfolk, Break O’Day, Channel/Cygnet, Hamilton and Brighton. This role involved training parishioners to take responsibility for all aspects of parish life and to reach out to the local community with the Gospel message and with practical ministry.
The following verse, attributed to King Alfred, has played an important part in my life:
To see Thee is the End and the Beginning
Thou carriest me and thou goest before
Thou art the Journey and the journey’s End.
I believe that God is love, and that where there is love there is God. God has been present with me, sustaining me throughout my life as an ever present Presence. Sometimes God is revealed in quietness and peace, sometimes through hardship and disquiet; but most often through the love of those who care.
As God is the God of love, and life, and of being, we are called to participate in and share God’s love, life, and being, so that others may love, live, and be who and what God intends them to be (that is, to grow into the fullness of life which God has for all). This call is to participate in and share God’s love, life and being may, at times, involve a struggle to work for justice and peace, and involves as active engagement with our community/society.
This Kingdom of God way of living is beautifully expressed in these words from Micah:
He has told you, O mortal, what is good;
Micah 6:8
and what does the LORD require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?
It is wonderful to be part of a Parish which is seriously seeking to engage in this mission to, for, and with our community/society.

After a career in church music in England and Canada, and then as organist/director of music at St Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney for more than two decades, Michael graduated as a Bachelor of Divinity from the Melbourne College of Divinity and was ordained in 2005 for the diocese of Bathurst. Here he served for ten years as Precentor, Assistant Priest and Director of Music at All Saints Cathedral, Bathurst. In addition he was, and remains a Priest Companion of the Company of the Good Shepherd, which provides ministry to the more remote parts of the Central West of NSW.
Michael is married to Antonia who sings in the Choir of St Paul’s and they have three adult children, Meghan, Jeremy and Amélie who currently reside on three different continents.
So far they have three grand-daughters, twins Willow and Olive, and Piper, who live in Chicago USA.

Rosemary is a retired high school teacher. Having trained as a Physical Education teacher Rosemary soon added History and Geography to her teaching subjects. Then after graduating from Melbourne College of Divinity with a Bachelor of Divinity she went on to teach Religion and Studies of Religion in both Catholic and Independent Schools.
Alongside Studies of Religion she developed a passion for Service Learning. With the three years spent at St John’s Theological college in Morpeth and her teaching experiences she retired from teaching in 2013 to embrace the position of Lay Minister in the parish.

David Russell completed a Bachelor of Music Performance (Voice) at the University of Sydney Conservatorium of Music and was a recipient of the Horace Keats Memorial Scholarship for Singing. He subsequently completed a Master of Music Studies (Conducting), also at the Sydney Conservatorium, where he was the recipient of the Eugene Goosens Fellowship.
Through the Symphony Australia Conductor Development Program David has worked with the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, The Queensland Orchestra and the Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra.
He sang with the Choir of Christ Church St Laurence, Sydney, for 20 years and as Assistant Conductor conducted numerous works with choir, organ and orchestra. He featured as both a singer and conductor on several CDs and conducted the choir in the UK, USA, Germany, France and Italy.
David has conducted the Sydney Philharmonia Choirs, the Song Company, the Sydney Children’s Choir & Gondwana Voices, the Oregon Bach Festival Orchestra and Chorus (USA), and the Ochsenhausen Vocal Ensemble (Germany). In 2008 David was Chorusmaster for the World Youth Day Choir – a national choir created for the visit of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI in July of that year. As a soloist he has also appeared with the Sydney Consort and has sung with the professional Sydney-based ensembles, Cantillation and Pinchgut Opera.
He was awarded the Sydney Choral Symposium Foundation National Choral Conducting Scholarship which provided him with the opportunity to travel to the USA, UK and Europe for further conducting study.
David is currently the Manager Artistic Practice for CAPTIVATE, the performing arts program for Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese which provides opportunities in music, dance, drama and visual arts to students in the 84 Catholic systemic schools in western Sydney. He was awarded the Papal Benemerenti Medal by Pope Francis in December 2020 for services to the performing arts.

Bailey Yeates completed his studies at St Patrick’s College, Strathfield in 2023. He was the Brother McGlade Organ Scholar for many years, which involved in assisting the playing for all school masses and chapel services, as well as the Performing Arts Captain for 2023. He is now entering his tertiary studies at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music where he studies Organ Performance under Philip Swanton. Prior to this he had been an organ student of Mark Quarmby (Director of Music at St Stephens Macquarie St) for the past 6 years. Bailey also currently resides as a 1st year Pauline at St Pauls College, within the University of Sydney.
He has performed and won prizes in a number of Sydney Organ Competitions and Young Organists Days and has also recently performed with the Sydney Youth Orchestra for various concerts. More recently, he is the two time winner of the intermediate section of the Sydney Organ Competition, winning first prize in 2023 and 2024. As well as this, Bailey regularly performs in various recital series around Sydney and wider New South Wales.
He has participated in various organ masterclasses with several high-profile organists include Anne Marsden Thomas, Thomas Ospital and Thomas Trotter.
Following schooling education, Bailey achieved very high results in both Music 2 and Extension, among other subjects, receiving a nomination for Encore. As well as this, he recently was awarded a distinction in his organ Licentiate diploma recital from the Trinity College of London.
Bailey was appointed as the Organ Scholar at St Paul’s on 1 July 2020 and prior to this had been assisting in playing for the services at St Paul’s as the Junior Organ Scholar for the previous 12 months. He was appointed as Parish Organist on Trinity Sunday (4 June) 2023.
As well as his appointment at St Pauls, Bailey is also the Organ Scholar in residence at St Paul’s College, within the University of Sydney, and the acting Duty Organist at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney.
When Bailey is not playing the organ he enjoys socialising and the outdoors, and is a keen sportsman with particular interests in rugby, baseball, among other sports.

Brian Luhr OGS OAM was born, raised and educated in Sydney’s South West. He was baptised, confirmed (by Bp Donald Robinson) and married at St Mary’s Church of England, Guildford. He has 3 grown children and 6 grandchildren.
At Guildford he was a Church of England Boys’ Society (CEBS) leader, youth fellowship member, parish and church councillor and Sunday School Superintendent. In 1982 he joined the parish of Christ Church St Laurence, Sydney, as an altar server. He has held the positions of both people’s warden and parish councillor and became Master of Ceremonies and Sacristan. He was appointed Head Server in 2002 and in this position was responsible for the rostering and training of the altar servers, deacons and priests in the ceremonial and ritual aspects of the Church’s liturgy. Brian has a great love and knowledge of Church liturgy and history and has had the opportunity to visit and observe the worship in many churches and cathedrals around the world. He worked in the telecommunications industry and managed the Catholic, Anglican and Uniting Church portfolios for Telstra. He has business and customer service diplomas.
He has worked as a parish administrator with the Roman Catholic Church and, on occasion, assists in training student altar servers and MCs for the children’s liturgies.
Brian is a Professed Brother in the Anglican Order of the Oratory of the Good Shepherd (OGS) and lives by a monastic rule. In 2016 he was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for service to the Anglican Church of Australia.
Brian has been Head Server and Sacristan at St Paul’s Burwood since 2021 and is also a member of Parish Council.

Natalie McDonald has been an altar server, head server, youth group leader, parish councillor, warden and synod representative and was a Lay Assistant for over 12 years at St Luke’s Mosman before attending St Paul’s Burwood.
Her qualifications in management and change management give her an insight into how to affect change in parishes.
She graduated in 2011 with a Graduate Diploma in Theology from Melbourne College of Divinity and is interested in the importance of preaching that is relevant to everyone, and seeing women in all forms of leadership in churches. “…Women need to be seen in leadership because the next generation of women can’t be what they don’t see…”

Fr Mark Battison Honorary Assisting Priest
Fr Mark is a retired Anglican Priest and businessman from the UK having been born and bred in Leicester. He says:
“I have a lovely wife, Tracey, and two children, Gemma and James, and three grandchildren. My wife and I moved to Sydney in late 2021 to live with our daughter and son in law in a granny flat in their garden but keep a small cottage near to our son and family in Leicester. My son now runs our family business which pays for our daily living and allows me to volunteer at St Paul’s – a privilege and honour. “
Blessings to all.